JANUARY 25, 2016
Tuality Healthcare
Claudia Jacova, Ph.D: "Brain Games: Let's Make Them Worth Our While"
SEPTEMBER 26, 2016
Providence Portland Medical Center
Amber McIlwain, Ph.D: "The Power of Place"
FEBRUARY 22, 2016
Providence Portland Medical Center
D. Kempe Jacobowitz Ames, MD: "Deirium: When Something Changes"
MARCH 28, 2016
Bonaventure of Tigard
Bev Stewart: "Providing Support to Seniors with Lung Disease"
APRIL 25, 2016
Holladay Park Plaza
Rachelle Preston, MSW, CSWA: "Defining Hope: Living with ALS"
MAY 23, 2016
Alzheimer's Association Oregon Chapter
Sarah Holland, MSW, MPH: "Disease Impact & Advancements"
JUNE 27, 2016
Providence ElderPlace Milwaukie
Meredith Kleinhenz: "Meal Planning for Diabetes"
JULY 25, 2016
Rosewood Park
Mary Amick: "The Trans-formative Nature of Failure"
AUGUST 22, 2016
Town Center Village
Brian Koch, DMD Prime Geriatric Dental: "Oral Health for Seniors"
SEPTEMBER 26, 2016
Pacific University
Amber McIlwain, Ph.D: "The Power of Place"
OCTOBER 24, 2016
Mt. Hood Adult Day Center
Joyce Beedle, RN, BSN: "Feeling Confused? Tips for Communicating with Folks who Have Dementia"
NOVEMBER 14, 2016
The Ackerly at Timberland
Mary Ballantyne, RN, BC: "Depression & Suicide in the Elderly"
DECEMBER 12, 2016
Hillsboro Community Center
Holiday Giving Event: West Side Senior Centers